ADRI - the Asbestos Disease Research Institute


 AVA takes a keen interest on asbestos disease research and stays in touch with asbestos suppor...

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 When asbestos fibres enter the body, they cannot be expelled.This can cause more than one type...

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Mesothelioma in Australia

Mesothelioma in Australia Mesothelioma in Australia

Two new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed every day in Australia, with one of the poorest survival...

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ABC Radio Adelaide

ABC Radio Adelaide ABC Radio Adelaide

 AVA volunteers Lesley & Maxine had a chat with Peter Goers on the evening show tonight. Th...

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Professor Doug Henderson AO

Professor Doug Henderson AO  19/7/1942 – 18/9/2108 Professor Doug Henderson AO 19/7/1942 – 18/9/2108

 Professor Doug Henderson AO 19/7/1942 – 18/9/2108Doug Henderson had a long and distinguished c...

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BHP Billiton urged to do the right thing by Whyalla asbestos victims following High Court decision

Terry Miller Terry Miller

Asbestos Victims AssociationMedia Release - Friday 19 June, 2015South Australian asbestos victims ha...

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Van Soest v BHP Billiton Limited

Van Soest v BHP Billiton Limited Van Soest v BHP Billiton Limited

 TOO LATE: Marcella van Soest with a photo of her husband Willem being treated in hospital for ...

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Lung Cancer caused by Asbestos Exposure

ANNIEHOFFMAN Lung Cancer caused by Asbestos Exposure

FROM AVA's LEGAL ADVISOR ANNIE HOFFMAN  Lung cancer is a condition that can be caused not only ...

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Research to end asbestos related cancer.

Research to end asbestos related cancer. Research to end asbestos related cancer.

Scientists from Flinders University are trying to develop a new treatment for a highly aggressive, a...

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